Monday, 21 May 2007

How to get a date.

Feel unlucky in love? Wish you could get the girl? Here are six surefire steps you can take right away to get the girl and begin a new relationship.
1. Play to your strengths.
Everyone has a special skill, whether it is humor, musical ability, drawing skills, or athletic prowess. Think about your number one strength and incorporate it into your dating arsenal. If you can play the piano like Billy Joel, it won’t matter if you don’t look like Brad Pitt.
2. Model your successful friends.
Think about the three friends you know who are successful in dating and relationships. Write down their names and two to three things each does to be successful. See if you can implement any of their ideas in your own dating approach.
3. Get a Makeover.
We’re not talking about radical, reconstructive plastic surgery here. But if you have one or two features (i.e., your hair style) that could be modernized, go for it. You’ll feel more confident and it will show on the dating scene. If you have a close friend ask them for help in this, they may see things you dont, and please dont get offended if they are trying to help you.
4. The main thing is to meet as many people as you can, and dont be afraid of rejection.
5. Perform community service.
Sign up at your local soup kitchen, clean up a rundown park area, help in a charity shop. You’ll be giving back to the community, feeling good about your contribution, and you never know who will be giving back right by your side.
6. Try speed dating or you local papers lonely hearts column.

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